Thursday, August 28, 2014

Sometimes Art is in the Eye of the Beholder

On the recent Neppl visit, we took in the Highline and the latest "Art" installations.
Both abstract pieces, one struck my fancy and one did not.
First the one I liked....

This is a simple piece echoing the regularity of the train track trestles.  I like it.
This item below is (honestly) entitled "Realism Marching Triumphantly Into the City."
Now, perhaps this is a sly play on the entire idea of a monument to militarism.  Perhaps it is a call to us all that  the impact of militarism on a city or a population is ugly.  Even in triumph, victory eats at our soul.

Or perhaps it is a skewed vision on the idea that our next military overlords are lurking now, but we cannot yet recognize them.  Maybe aliens, maybe people who's souls are warped.
Or perhaps it is just poop being trucked into town.