For our friends outside of the United States, a little background.
About two weeks ago, a man came from West Africa with Ebola. He flew to Texas. Went to the hospital - where they took his temperature and said, you have a fever, go home. (A reasonable diagnosis in Texas where 32% of the population - over 4 million people have no health insurance (reference link - Texas Medical Organization).)*
So he goes home. Where 3 days later he is way sick, with Ebola.
He dies.
A few days later one of the EMTs who responded at the house gets sick. Two days ago the nurse at the hospital where he was first admitted gets sick because the hospital had no procedures for this.
All of this (should) lead to reasonable precautions. Better hospital care (btw - done). Checkpoints at airports where planes from West Africa land (btw - done).
Watching people who came in contact with the patients (occurring).
A calm measured response.
A school in Ohio closed because the sick nurse was on a plane and a student at the school flew on the same plane later int he day.
Talking heads on TV shooting about the end of the world.
Texas politicians on Congress who want to quarantine West Africa - whereas 2 of the patients are Texas and I think we should quarantine that state.
Why? Why does a knowledgable country descend into panic. One guess. We have an election coming up and they can all crow about it on TV with free advertising - without mention they cut moneys to the World Heath Organization, the Federal Emergency Management Fund and the Center for Disease Control.
John McCain has asked for an Ebola Czar. "But Scott," you say, "doesn't the United States have a Cabinet Level Post of Surgeon General?" Well yes, but since Obama nominated someone months ago the Senate hasn't bothered to give any hearings to him because - you know, they hate Obama.
So I have these words of wisdom.
It is Panic, Scream, Run Around, Scream Again, and then fall over exhausted to watch more Ebola Porn on TV. NOT Scream, Panic then Run Around before settling in for more 24 Hours News Ebola Porn.
* - Funny story. This year Texas turned down $100,000,000.00 (one hundred million) federal dollars to cover uninsured in the state because it was socialism to cover the uninsured.
Which means their emergency rooms over overly full of people with low fevers, aches and pains, because in the United States emergency rooms - cannot turn anyone away.
Which means turning away a black man with an accent and a temperature of 102 degrees is actually the proscribed procedure.
Thank God they turned down the Affordable Care Support so 16% of their minors can be uninsured (#1 in the nation! Go Horns!)