Thursday, November 20, 2014

Cat Bibs

Seriously, cat bibs!
Now I understand the purpose.  Cats kill a lot of wildlife.  This is generating big news in England (where they love their garden birds) and Australia (where the cats are doing some real harm).  In Australia, the cat population is decreasing as people understand they are one of the primary contributors to environmental problems.
These bibs are designed to prevent the "fast cat paw leap".  It makes them stumble or slows down their cat-like reflexes.  The look idiotic, and birds fly away laughing.  OK not really.  In reality it apparently cuts innocent bird deaths by about 85% (in a controlled test).
But my point here is not that these stylish bibs are or aren't useful.  Or even why people have cats (aside from Cat Art Critics).   Many of my best friends love cats.  So I am clearly not prejudiced against cat people – per say.  But these cat owners are deluded.  They have posted pictures of their "happy cats" with the cat bibs on.

Look at the pictures of these poor poor cats.  They are (left to right) Mittens, Chester, Marvin and El Gato.  Mittens and Marvin seem annoyed, but willing to put up with bids.

Chester, on the other hand, is plotting a terrible and twisted response to this indignity.  I would step carefully around  Chester for a while.  He is not a happy cat.

As for El Gato – lock up the guns, now.  El Gato is not subtle (like Chester).  In fact, I have my doubts that the picture taker is still alive mere moments after this picture was taken.  I see a dead old lady, with a purple cat-bib stuffed into her unbreathing maw – with an “innocent” El Gato licking his privates nearby.