Tuesday, November 11, 2014

David Brooks: Stupid or Lazy? (Part One Stupid)

David Brooks offers up one of his asinine opinion pieces today.  I mention it because the New York Times Carries his work as the "intelligent" conservative voice.  Today's column is breath-taking in it's simplicity and ignorance.  Really, the vast chasm between reality and his mind is stunning.

He is writing about Eastern Europe today and takes us through a catalog of winners and losers.  Essentially - in his pea brain - winners are those that embraced capitalism and losers aren't.  Also, winers also have a healthy fear of being invaded again.  He then provides just enough examples to where he tries to prove his point - but not if you have half a brain.
It's easy to quibble with any particular example he makes:
- Bosnia is a loser because they don't embrace capitalism - not because of a war.
- Belarus is a capitalistic winner - even though it is a communist kleptocracy.
- Countries that don't fit aren't mentioned int he Fall of the Berlin Wall story - East Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania and Bulgaria.  Yes, he doesn't mention well over 1/2 of the countries because they don't fit his narrative.
I am personally offended by this sloppy half-assed column because in 1990 (one year after the fall of the Berlin Wall) in my Grad school at Pacific International Affairs, I wrote a paper on why Poland would succeed after communism (based on the lessons learned from the Asian Tigers).
So the lazy shitty half-truths from David Brooks are offensive.  wrong, offensive and stupid.