Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Difference Between Candidates and Presidents - Don't Be a Dumbshit

One hopes that people are not idiots.  But one hopes that Fox News has the best interests of American (or at least the truth) in mind.  One often has one's hopes dashed.

In this case I speak of the kerfuffle caused by the President stating the following in the White House yesterday...  No religion is responsible for terrorism. People are responsible for terrorism,”
 As sure as maggots race to dead flesh, Sen. Ted Cruz and Rudy Giuliani criticized the president for trying to disassociate ISIS from Islam, even though it calls itself the Islamic State and wants to establish a caliphate in the Middle East. Cruz called Obama “an apologist for radical Islamic terorrists” (LINK) and Giuliani told a private group dinner, “I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America.” The former mayor of New York City added, “He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”(LINK)
So why does the President not call out Islam.  Perhaps because our allis in the fight against ISIS are Islamic (Jordan, Kuwait, UAE, Turkey, Iraq, Egypt).  And - maybe - so he doesn't want to insult EVERY ONE of our allies right now.
And maybe he doesn't want to call out all other muslim countries (Indonesia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco - from the top of my pointy head) and muslim people as terrorists because, you know, THEY AREN'T.
There is a small sub-set of crazy ass Islamic Terrorists in the middle east.  We need to deal with them, not alienate the muslims who are fighting them on the ground.
This would be like me calling everyone in Texas a supporter of a Bloviating Stupid Ass Canadian Reject Turned Lying Senator - when most of the people in Texas did not vote at all, much less vote for him.
Candidates are exempt from the need to think things through, it makes for great fund-raising and TV time.  But the public (us) we aren't exempt from that.  If we choose dumb-shits, then they send people to fight with allies, and then they insult them.  Don't be a dumb-shit.  We have plenty and they are all running or thinking about running for President.