Wednesday, April 08, 2015

At least Ron Paul "kinda" believed all that crap

Rand Paul, Ron's more attractive son, has pitched his hat into the ring for President.  It is an embarrassing thing to watch.  His big schtick is that he is  a "Libertarian", but he pretty much has jumped off that train.
Here is the basic Libertarian manifesto.

All to the good.  But Rand Paul doesn't believe almost any of it now.
Personal Freedom is all to the good if you are denying service to gays or blacks, but in the case of gay marriage or a woman's right to contraception then he doesn't support it.
His big claim to fame was that he was anti-interventionist.  He has, of course, chucked that by double down'ing on boots on the ground in the middle east against ISIS and Iran.  He is no longer for open borders (a silly libertarian idea anyway).
Ge doesn't even claim to separate church and state anymore.
One might suppose that he is Libertarian-ish trying to get elected.  But once you renounce your key ideals, what have you left but a amateur Ted Cruz with better hair and no back-bone.
I appreciate his stand against domestic spying.  And I did appreciate some of the stands he took befor running for President and backtracking.
He is also kind of a dick to women reporters.  He told Savannah Guthrie she didn't know how to interview (when shy asked questions) and shushed Kelly Evans from CNBC when she was discussing his budget proposals. It would be one thing if he was just prickly, but he is only like that to women... which is both rude and kind of half-ass lame.