And I want call out a little those that helped make this possible. It was not just us gays, but our friends and family that accepted us. It was the gays that fought (and died) of AIDS that forced the families to see our existence. And those families that, once seeing our existence did NOT turn away, that said being gay is not WHO you are, simply another facet of the person we accept and we live.
I cannot believe so much has changed since I was young. I cannot believe my mom said, in 1977, "Be true to who you are." Or Zela comforted me with her evangelical church friends when Mark died. And I have friends that share out
Or that I am so blessed as to have Ed as a partner and husband. And in laws that love and accept me.
And that I have friends that share my joy, not fear our marriage.
I can't believe where I am today. So thank you all. Especially spaghetti, my husband.