Friday, August 07, 2015

Snap, Crackle ... Fizzle

Well the first debate(s) have come and gone.  I watched both debates (A and B team) last night and learned a few things that I would like to share.

1) Jeb Bush is neither exciting nor particularly insightful.  Here was Jeb's first big platform to introduce himself to the American voters.  He has been out of politics since when, the last millennium?  I can ONLY assume he has gathered so much money (over $110 Million dollars) due to an anticipated payout in favors, because no one looks at that lump and says - "Wow, he'll be a great President!"
2) It was a debate about Fox News Points - no so much the state of the country.  This is probably due to the fact the debate was on Fox News and that is all most Republicans watch (which was, you remember, the downfall of Mitt Romney).  But it was weird to see "questions" posed as Fox News points and then require agreement.  For instance "Obamacare" is actually the "Affordable Care Act" and has saved money and not reduced employment - but is assumed to be a job killer and contribute to the deficit.  And agreement on that point was assumed.  The Planned Parenthood hit job was treated as gospel, even though the two Republican governors and states that have actual investigated this have found it was a fraud.  Why this is important:  If the winner comes out of here thinking they are prepared for a real debate, that is a huge problem.
3) President Obama would instantly win the war on terror if he just said we were at war with "Islamic Terrorists".  This was so unanimous it was scary.  It was as constant (and wrong) as Mitt Romney's "You never said that Benghazi was terrorism" bullet point.
4) The moderators asked questions, the "debaters" didn't answer them; and then we moved on.  This was really odd, I thought.  I get that politicians have talking points.  But the moderators here seemed so comfortable with NONE of the politicians answering their questions that is was Twilight Zone weird.  I don't watch Fox News, so I don't know if this is just accepted practice here - or if they wanted to let them deliver their talking points, but it was painful.  I actually kind of found Chris Christie kind of refreshing for trying to answer their questions.

5) Lindsey Graham wants to send 20,000 troops to Syria on day 1.  Lindsey Graham will take the fight to anywhere, for as long as it takes and do whatever it takes to beat Islamic Terrorists.  And Iran.  And Syria.  And Afghanistan.  And that is Lindsey Graham's answer to everything from Syria to Obamacare to Planned Parenthood.  Anywhere, as long as it takes, whatever it takes.  Get them there before they get us here.
6) Bobby Jindel's smile will stay plastered on through any question and any lie.  It was very "Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown."  See picture above.  Jindel is on Lindsey's left.
7) That 17th guy from Virginia should not have bothered.  See picture above.  Wilmont? Wilcor? Willnot is on Lindsey's right.
8) John Kasich is fairly intelligent, he hasn't got a chance.  See Huntsman, John circa 2012.
9) Ben Carsen tried to look Presidential, and was fine when he didn't speak.  When he did speak it was a cross between a deer in headlights and a petulant child.  See Cain, Herman, circa 2012.