Wednesday, September 02, 2015

No We Aren't

I love this headline.

I don't know who it was written by (and I haven't bothered to read it because it is stupid).  The idea that Democrats are "furious" is silly.  And, if someone is "furious" they are an idiot.
If it wasn't this, it would be something else.  It would be like being mad that people think Obama wasn't born in the United States.
Here is the truth.  It doesn't make any difference what she does.  The media has very little to take about and will take whatever bait the Republicans throw in front of them regarding Hillary Clinton.  You can say anything, ANYTHING, about Hillary Clinton, and no one calls bullshit.
Now they are worried about.. what exactly?  She turned over her email server (which was legal at the time) and she might have deleted emails.  Bush the Younger and Dick the Evil deleted over 30,000 emails - no "scandal".
They tried to make it a big deal that Bill asked the State Department to give speeches in places he wasn't allowed to.  But he asked Hillary's State Department.  She said no.  But that isn't the scandal.
So, what are the Democrats thinking.  I'll tell you.  This is nothing.  Wait until next spring when hey throw real shit at the fan.