Monday, April 11, 2016

Congress is - surprise - full of Assholes

Since 2002, war appropriations have been "off-budget" under George Bush.  Money for War didn't count.
Under this administration War Costs went back on the budget - for a while.
  However Congress and the President agreed, in not shutting down the government after the 2010 election, to a "budget sequester".  This reduces the money for everything that is discretionary spending - year over year.  This include everything but social security, medicare and interest payments.
So "Discretionary Funding" includes military spending and everything else.  Just so you know, this was done because it was thought that it would force new budgets, because everyone agreed the wholesale cuts were asinine.  It hasn't.
Everything proceeded apace - towards hell in a hand basket - until the Syrian war.  New war - New funds were given towards that war outside the sequester.
You know what ISN'T outside the sequester AND isn't given new budget.  Money for Veteran's Medical Care and post-deployment support.
So, we are fine spending extra money to kill people and create more and more veteran's that need more care and support.  But ZERO new money to care for them.
You see lobbyists for war manufactures and suppliers pay a lot (to Congressional members) to get more money.  Veterans are ignored.
And the great wheel spins.  Congress is full of Assholes (regardless of party).