Wednesday, May 11, 2016

And So I Head Home

As I leave Sarajevo to face the Idiocracy that has nominated Donald Trump, I pause to reflect. 
In a Sarajevo restaurant,  two 16 year olds sat with Asher and I to quiz me on Trump. Not just the normal WTF question, but what does he think of the Dayton accords and of Turkey's turn towards Authoritarianism. 
And I joked, "His biggest comment on Turkey is he likes the white meat."
But on a deeper level, it is disheartening that I met about 6 high school / college students and each and everyone is more prepared to be President than The Donald. 
How did we come to this?  Hasthe Republican   attack on "elites" and science lead us to the point where we are proudly illiterate on the world (not Stupid, I don't think he is stupid). 
Are we racists to the point we believe life would be a dream if only the Mexicans were deported and Muslims outlawed?
Are we just wildly angry we strike out at anything that moves?
I seriously do not understand. And that is terrible and scary. Because the only explanations that make sense to me are scary historical analogies - that Trump feeds with his support of violence and desire to inflate our way out of debt. 
And if you don't understand you can't fix a problem. I don't see Trump supports as wanting a real solution. They just want someone to channel their rage- and that is no way to run a country. 
Friends the last night in Sarajevo.