Maybe it is the distance (I have been in Europe for a few weeks). Or maybe it is the rather constant and annoying bitching about Hillary from Salon and other Bernie fans. and I have held my tounge because I know young Berniacs are "fragile". If you say something wrong they lash out in anger.
Okay, we get it. You love Bernie and hate Hillary. Normally I would concede something here (like he might be better on x or something), but right now - no.
President Bernie would be ineffective and get nothing done. BEST CASE.
Oh yeah, you're going to have a "revolution" and change the government. Bullshit. You were supposed to do that with Obama, but then no one showed up for the boring mid-term in 2010 and Republicans swept everything including every statehouse and redistricted the House.
Or Hillary is a "liar" - even though non-partisan fact checkers find her the most honest on the trail about what's happening.
Bernie people are just now making shit up about how bad she is and can't win. And the super delegates are unfair.
She has won about 3 million more primary votes than Bernie. And just because we voted for her and don't want to trash the party by trashing Bernie - it doesn't make our votes any less valid. You think we are idiots and corrupt and old and loudly tell us that constantly. I get it, you actually have drummed up hatred for Hillary and anyone who supports her.
And I am tired of Bernie people complaining about Hillary constantly. Bernie doesn't have to quit. Hillary e stayed in the primary race in 2008. BUT she didn't spend these last few months trashing Obama.
She isn't pretty, isn't "feisty" and doesn't appeal to your anger enough. But get what, she gets shit done. And when she makes a mistake she owns up to it - AND that is what I want. Someone who acknowledges mistakes, learns from them and moves forward.
So go on, trash her Salon. Continue the Republican attacks and lies Berniacs. Make the general election unwinable. You'll get President Donald. BEST case, you nominate Bernie and tell the entire American Public their taxes will be raised - you'll win a couple of states. But it will be an "honest" win.
And you will let the entire country break down (or worse - somehow luck out and have an okay 4 years and The Donaldistas run this country).