Wednesday, July 05, 2017

For Our Non-New York Friends

If you want a one picture explanation of why Chris Christie (failed Republican Candidate for President and current New Jersey Governor) is a ass, here it is.

In playing hardball over the budget act, Chris Christie closed the state run beaches in New Jersey over the 4th of July holiday week-end. But, because he can help being a bully, he and his family spent time on one of them that he closed.

This action did ultimately back-fire. He got a budget where he didn't get most of what he asked for, but had to agree in order to not look like the big fat Beach Grinch. The beaches were reopened for Tuesday, July 4th after 3 days of closures.

The picture was snapped by a newspaper reporter, that knows what a selfish SOB Christie is. He hired a plane and used a superzoom camera.