Friday, November 03, 2017

Grab Bag Day

So it's a bit of a grab bag here....

Let's start with Confederate Monuments... 
The narrative that people like me who want to remove monuments therefore want to erase history is wrong.

I love America and our American History. I just don't think we should have monuments to people that committed Treason against the United States. That is, what they did. They declared their allegiance to an enemy of the United States and then dedicated their life to killing people defending the United States of America. Because they want to keep black Americans as property.

I am sure they were probably good a decent people that loved their states and family. Just like the people that lost the Spanish American War, the War of 1812, World War I and World War II were probably good honorable. But we don't have hundreds of monuments to those enemies either.

It is as if we had a statue of Osama Bin Laden at Ground Zero. The Confederate States of America attacked Americans and killed over 650,000 people. There "service" is no cause to celebrate.  I am fine with the statues of the winning forces of the Untied States. I think we should replace all the Confederate Statues with statues of the American Generals like Grant and Sherman. That way we remember the real history. The USA won.

Kevin Spacey...
He is a extremely forward, rude and privileged man who looks at most other people as falling one of 3 categories, (1) People that can help him (2) People that can't help him and (3) People to have sex with.  In this, he is an asshole - but not atypical of Hollywood types.

However in raping and/or screwed with minors, and it seems he did - then he is a degenerate scumbag criminal and should be treated as such. Castrate him.

I will say, that the wink and nod system of his open secret of homosexuality made this more possible that it should have been. Everyone was protecting him "privacy" which shuts up those who trying to raise serious complaints.

And he is giving us homos a bad name.

Tax Cuts Proposed...

There are some admirable and some non-admirable ideas in the tax cuts for me.

1. Dropping the corporate tax rate to 20% probably makes sense IF we are going to compete in a more open world. As we have dumped the TPP and Donald Trump is thinking of pulling out of NAFTA - the low rates make less sense.  Yes, companies could move to lower tax countries, but then we could tariff them.

However, in reality, we will still probably compete in an open world and dropping the corporate rate makes sense.

One thing that is just pure bullshit is the idea that this will raise wages. It is laughable. Companies are sitting on $4 TRILLION dollars of profit and not offering it to employees. Increasing that total won't make them any more likely to offer more money to employees.

2. Removing the Estate Tax is a horrible idea in general. It doesn't help small businesses, but it increases money to Trump's Kids.  $10 Million is enough to pass down tax free.

3. Allowing 25% rate on pass thru income provides a nice bonus to Donald Trump and other Real Estate mavens (Jarod Kushner) - but won't really help anyone else.

I could rail against the lose of State and Local Deductions, but I don't think that will stay in.

I do thinking adding $1.5 Trillion to the deficit to give rich people a tax break is silly.  It's not that I mind the deficit as an idea. I think there are times it makes sense - to build the economy up when there are not other employers or during a recession. To go into hock to give Trump and his children millions in refunds seems like poor planning.

4. I would support the growth of the deficit for the tax cuts for the middle class (i.e. any making less than $250,000). That would put money in people's pockets and increase the economy, but millionaires are doing fine and don't need a tax cut.
 General John Kelly's Pronouncements...

1. Lack of compromise did NOT cause the Civil War. General Kelly is incorrect. There was the Constitutional 3/5's compromise, the Missouri Compromise, the DC Compromise, and Lincoln proposed another compromise to keep the slave states integral in the United States. South Carolina rejected the compromise, attacked the Federal land of Fort Sumpter (built to protect Charleston Salve Traders) and declared war against the United States.

2. The Congresswoman he called an empty barrel did not do what he claimed and he has yet to apologize. She did not claim to raise the funds for the Veteran's Hospital - the video tape proves it. She was in the car with the Window because she had been a mentor of LaDavid before he joined the Marines and before she was a Congresswoman. She was a friend of the family and the window put Trump on Speakerphone expecting to share a touching moment of tribute to her husband from the President - it is not her fault Princess Tiny-Hands but his foot in his mouth again. General Kelly has not apologized or corrected his remarks.

3. Confederate General Robert Lee might have been an honorable enemy, but he was not an honorable American. He fought against and killed Americas to defend slavery. He attacked the United States, his armies killing thousands of US soldiers and civilians. He attacked Pennsylvania (Gettysberg) to kill enough people(soldiers and civilians) so that the United States would sue for peace.

4. The idea that non-military people are not fit to ask questions of Generals is anti-American. What he did at the Press Conference would be common in a Banana Republic or Cuba, not the United States of America.
Finally: Trump and Russia...
I don't think the original offense was a big thing. I think Candidate Trump was stupid and made Russia comments. I think people around him ill-served him and made overtures to the Russians for political gains.
I think this was wrong, and illegal, but more a rookie mistake than anything else.  If had he just said "whoops, this is what happened", we would have all moved on. But, like Bush before him, Trump cannot admit to being wrong. So he has lied to protect himself.
In doing that, he has made it worse. Then he tried to shut down an investigation, because for him in the past, cash and intimidation always worked. And it has always been illegal, but no one prosecuted a bossy rich tycoon for this. It is business as usual. Obstruction of justice is hard to prove when you are a private citizen harassing someone. It is easier to prove when you are a political hack with the power of the Presidency.
As everyone said in the beginning, just like with Dick Nixon, it isn't the error, it is the cover-up.