Saturday, February 16, 2019

The American Word is Now Worthless

When I was young, America's word was golden. Whether given as a promise or a treaty - we followed through. Sure it wasn't always true, but people believed it.

I remember my father (a lying sociopath, but a believer in America). Once, during an argument about a nuclear treaty, he complained to me that I was gullible.

He compared the Soviet Union (bad)  to American (good) by saying "You know how many treaties America has broken? Zero.* You know how many treaties The Soviets have broken? All of them! Wait, all but one, because the Hitler broke it first!"

We aren't that America anymore.

We pulled out of the Paris climate accords because we don't believe in science (conservatives don't believe in climate science, stupid liberals don't believe in vaccine science).

We pulled out of a treaty with Iran because the President doesn't like Iran.

We just called the lowest level of immigration in decades a National Emergency in order to bypass our Constitution to allocate money for building a wall.

We are the preeminent liars on the world stage now. At least we're the best at something.

*Of course that isn't true. The broken treaties with the Native Americans could fill a book. But that is what he thought.