Sunday, August 21, 2011

OK - Lisa was right

So for years, Lisa has told us to go to the Frick Museum.  She was (deep sigh) - right.
It is beautiful.  It is a museum inside a mansion (the Frick Mansion - duh) that has some amazing art.  Right now they have redone their most famous painting - Francis At Dawn - about Francis of Assisi renouncing worldly goods.  It is very pretty.
But the museum building itself is also really cool.  Many of the rooms are the same as when Mr. and Mrs. Frick lived there (1919ish), with famous paintings (Monet, etc.) just hanging on the wall.  There are few enough of them to explore - and it comes with a free audio guide that you can call up info at random.
Ed took the picture of the Garden entrance.  It was a lovely day (right off Central Park).