Friday, August 19, 2011

Ricky Explains Public Education in Texas (Evolution Addition)

Nothing Is Evolving Up Here Kids.
At a campaign stop where a child (granted - prodded by his mother) asks Rick Perry why he doesn't believe in Evolution - he explains "Evolution has some holes in it.  That is why we teach Evolution AND Creationism in Texas.  We teach both and figure you can decide which is right."
First - BRILLIANT teaching method.  I like it.  And - for Weather you can teach about rain ; both water vapor AND Angels peeing on you from heaven - and the kids can decide what is true.  For History - The winners in World War II were The United States, Great Britain and Germany - you decide the right answer. For Geography the states are Texas, Carolina and California.  You decide which is right.
Second - umm - NO YOU DON'T.  What you describe (mandatory teaching of Creationism or Intelligent Design) is unconstitutional - even from this right wing court.  It was knocked down when Louisiana mandated it.
That's using the old noodle.
(Thank you Joc for the spelling catch.  I can't believe Eddie missed it!)