It's Monday. which means rapid brain wandering.
I have a mental tug of war with regards to my retire income. On the one hand, It's like flushing money down the crapper.
On the other hand, I'm 52 - there has yet to be a male Mitchell relative that has made it out of his 50's, so why worry. On the other hand, my mom is going strong at - well older than her 50's - and my maternal Grandmother has her 90th birthday party at our house in the desert, when we still lived in LA.
So I guess the good news is my mood swings like the market.
Andy Whitfield and Cliff Robinson died. Cliff lived a long and full live - good for him. Andy Whitfield, on the other hand, was at the beginning of a full life - getting his big break at 35 when he started fighting lymphoma. That sucks.
Watching Spartacus was a little gut wrenching when you knew he was sick. It will be heartbreaking to see it after he has passed away. He seemed like a nice guy and left a family. And he left it way too young.
The US Postal Service is dying through active stupidity on the part of the government. It is "semi"-independent from the government. Which means it can't change rates, stop Saturday Service, close post offices in rural areas, sell anything else OR lay anyone off -without Congresses approval. Congress doesn't have the balls to allow any of these cost savings, but they all get to go complain about how the Postal Service loses money.
I particularly love now how they say no one needs the post office, with e-mail and bill pay. let's just say no one that VOTES for them needs the Post Office. But the fact of the matter is that millions of people across America don't have access to automated bill pay, home computers and internet access. For them, the end of the Post Office will mean traveling - often long distances - to the company offices to pay for water or power or phone services. But that is only poor people and Congress doesn't give a shit about them anyway.
C'est la vie.