At least back in the old days (say last week), Rick Perry was a Texas blowhard that didn't flip flop..
Remember those good old days. Social Security was a Ponzi scheme and unconstitutional.
Well, those days are gone as of today's USA Today editorial by Gov. Perry. Now "..Americans deserve a frank and honest discussion of the dire financial challenges facing the nearly 80-year-old program."
."..I am going to be honest with the American people. Our elected leaders must have the strength to speak frankly about entitlement reform if we are to right our nation's financial course and get the USA working again."
So what was he doing before. Blowing hot air up our ass? Calling federal officials crooks and law-breakers? Just yucking it up with the good old boys? And by honest, is he being honest now that Social Security must be saved, or was he honest before saying it was an illegal Ponzi scheme?
Our next Prezdn't is a dick.