Monday, October 31, 2011

I Liked "In Time"

So Eddie and I went this Sunday and saw "In Time".  I really liked it.  It was made by the same guy that did Gattaca, and was very similar in theme and look.
It has a pretty simple plot; people live until age 25 years old, then can earn and spend time - but for most everyone life is brutish and short.
Time as money, immortals versus ghetto, pretty easy to see who the bad guys are.
However, even with a thin plot, I thought Justin Timberlake did a good job.  He is less aggressively action hero, and so he has to be a smart action hero.  He has to think where Arnuld who just smash.  It was set in the future, in the LA Basin (easy to see if you know the traffic map, then show it all the time), and filmed in flat colors.
It was fun, because parts of LA, on a hot dusty day, look very post-Apocalypse.  The end, filmed out in the abandoned neighborhood just west of the airport, are particularly effective in giving it that tragic feel.  And the LA River is used ... well as the LA River always is - a dividing line of live and death, a juxtaposition of concrete harshness and cool refreshing water, that is you only notice is to shallow to refresh when you get close to it.
I probably loved it a little extra because of the scenes.