Thursday, July 19, 2012

Good Heavens Muffy, WE Have To Sell Right A-Way!

From the Nincompoopery Files - here comes a sad sad story from NBC News (link).  Wealthy Homeowners are taking less money for their Mansions to sell them THIS year, rather than 2013, when they tax "cliff" hits.
Poor Harrison Too-Much Money (names have been changed to protect the rich) sold his $13,000,000.00 La Jolla home for the asking price.  He thinks he saved $600,000 in taxes.  (I mean, if HTMM was to pay that in taxes, the Government would just waste it on Roads, Airports, Schools or even, God Forbid, re-training American workers - I mean he outsourced all those jobs, why train the little people here?).
In Miami, a $38,000,000.00 may even sell for below asking price.
Next the little people will be asking for a vote!

Also, did you hear, - in the last month's budget kurfuffle, Republicans - who refuse to allow a tax raise on people making more than $1,000,000 per year, voted to reduce food stamps (LINK).  Because a family of 4 should be able to eat, live and go to school for $18,000 per year.  I mean if Harrison can save $600,000 just in taxes, what are the little people complaining about?