We went and saw Looper yesterday. I loved it. Now, I hate to say that, given expectations play a large role in a movie - but it must be said.
What surprised me was the pace of the story - maybe the whole story idea itself.
Looper starts as a simple bang-bang / high octane / almost-action movie set in a "Blade Runner-esque" dystopian future. And then it doubles back on itself, shoots off sideways into an epilogue-like what-happens-then story. And then moves into a whole different Hitchcockian vibe for the last hour-ish.
Now with that many "and thens", it isn't a quick movie. It is longish, but long for story sake not long for more bang up action scenes (I'm looking at you Avengers) or long for more arts- fartsy scenes (I'm looking at you Master).
There were only two things that tickled my mind and drew me out of the movie occasionally. One was "where is that guy from" - and so you don't get lost in it yourself, he is the dad from Raising Hope.
The second is the odd appearance of Joseph Gordon Levitt. I think jgl is a good looking young man. But in Looper, he has to look like a young Bruce Willis - so they added a lot of jaw. It doesn't hurt his acting - his voice, eyes and carriage are so much a part of his set of tools - but it is distracting for a while. I give you the changes below so you don't get hung up on them.