Saturday, September 29, 2012

Kevin Francis Gray

I recently took in London-based artist Kevin Francis Gray's solo exhibition at Haunch of Venison Gallery (550 W. 21 St., 10011).
He is an exceptional sculptor.   The show had 3 items that were fascinating.
Dancer in marble
The first was a marble sculpture.  Mr. Gray had created it in clay, and then it was created in marble in Italy.  After it was created, it was hand sanded to get an amazing sheen.  It was beautiful.
The second picture includes 2 different pieces.  The first in the foreground is a sculpture of a dancer, done in a more rugged technique than the marble.  In the distance are a set of heads created in porcelain.  These were people from the street that sat for as long as they could before they had to head out for a fix or a drink or for work.  They were each done in two to twelve hours.