Friday, May 09, 2014

Mayor Bill de Blasio - Sucks the Warmth out of Life Again

Gosh I detest him.
Entrance to the new ex Circulating Library

So the NYC Library is gorgeous.  It is iconic.  It is a center point for the City.  Recently there was a new plan to keep the beautiful parts of the Library and move the "stacks" (where no one can go) to create a Circulating Library so people can go check out books.
Too Manhattan Centric for Mayor McCheese & Evita
Granted, the first plan - to move the stacks to New Jersey - that was a bad idea.  So a donor forked over $8,000,000.00 to move the stacks underground on-site so there would be no disruption to researchers.
There was a donation of $150,000,000.00 to do this, plus there were going to sell the old circulating library building across the street and move that functionality into this new place.  Incorporating so much into this iconic space.
The new Library plans didn't change the facade or the current public rooms, but would open more of the building to the public and open the back to Bryant Park.  A win-win as they say.
But our new Mayor McCheese, Comrade Bill de Blasio and his wife Evita (Chirlane McCray) don't like that idea.  No.  "Offically" because the project might go over budget (although he presented his first budget this year and he has taken Bloomberg's balanced budgets and turned it into a deficit in Year One of the NYC Socialist Soviet Republic).  Outside of Manhattan, Mayor McCheese doesn't seem bothered by deficits at all?
Of course, buried in Comrade McCheese's press release (and this Narsasistic man cannot take a turd without a press release) he praises the Library for moving forward with work in the other burroughs.  Because he loathes Manhattan - money must be transferred to Siberia Brooklyn and the Bronx.
Mayor McCheese "Presenting" the Budget  - Too bad Evita wouldn't let him see it before the Press Conference