Sometimes the stars align in a way that works for me.
Not that long ago, in the New York Times, I was reading about new plays on in London. I wasn't searching these out - per say - but I always read when they are reviewed AND we are taking Ed's parents over in late June, so that was in the back of my mind.
Well, there was a very very cool review of King Charles the Third - imagining what would happen if Prince Charles takes over for Queen Elizabeth (finally) and tries to really be King.
It sounds fascinating and interesting and was, therefore, of course not playing in late June. And, even it had been, it was all sold out.
But then I was scheduled work meetings next week in London. So I started checking the Web site. The seats were inexpensive, but sold out. Like sold out for the run of the entire play! And, unlike say Book of Mormon, you can't by these on the resale market.
But I noticed that occasionally some performances would show with one or two tickets. Usually only a day or two ahead. And usually for less than 4 hours. But I am on a different schedule than they are, so they weren't scooped up right away.
I was persistent and checked daily and finally two days ago - PAY DIRT! Yes Ladies and Germs. I scored an amazing single seat (center middle of the Orchestra) for Wednesday May 14th - the day before I return.
I am beyond pysched!