Monday, June 02, 2014

Macbeth with Branagh at the Park Ave Armory

Now I love live theater, and get excited easily.  But even if you aren't a fan of live theater, per say, who would not get excited to see Kenneth Branagh in his New York debut as Macbeth.
Better, they are doing it at the Park Ave. Armory, a massive space, and building a stage in the middle.  Apparently there will be war and rain and mud and all.
We have been instructed to be prepared to get wet.
I am agog.
And Alex Kingston plays Lady M.
At first, I didn't really care.  I mean she was, apparently in a bunch of ER episodes or something like that, but I don't watch medical procedurals.  So I figured I don't know her.
But then I saw a picture.  It's River Song!  River Song from Dr. Who!
So doubly excited.
We have tickets for Wednesday night!