Tuesday, December 09, 2014

It's America - At the least we should expect honesty

This screen grab from Fox News isn't meant as an attack on Fox News in particular.  From my point of view, it is an indictment of some talking points that releasing the report on torture will cause harm.
I particular like the Opinion headline at the bottom of the page "Democrats want to punish America and blame Bush".  As an American and a Democrat, I say bullshit.  I don't want to punish America.  As for blaming Bush - that ship has sailed.  Bush was wrong to do this, and Obama continued many of his policies, if not all of his methods.
Here is the thing, from my point of view.  These actions have been done in our name.  They were considered War Crimes when the Japanese did them in World War II.  If we want to change the rules, fair enough.  Do it out int he open.  If Americans now accept torture, then shouldn't we let everyone know.  Shouldn't bad people now it is not a bluff when we say we will electrocute you, but not kill you?  When we say we will waterboard you until you beg for death, isn't better if we acknowledge it?

These things are done in our name.  Some people say that it gets results.  Others say it gains nothing, since the results are often lies - people like John McCain, who was tortured by the North Vietnamese - say it isn't useful.  This is an argument sane people can have.  I, personally, don't think torture is effective or American  but I understand that many disagree.  And many of those that disagree with me are people that we elected.
But, kids, we elected them.  The military and intelligence ultimately work for Americans.  The torture techniques now, a decade after the fact, should be examined.  1) Was it useful?  2) Was any usefulness worth the price we paid as a nation? 3) Did the use of torture reduce the very strong "soft" power we had as a moral nation?  A power we have lost.
Sweeping it under the rug isn't American.  Saying it damages our reputation and safety is parroting the reasons that the Japanese didn't acknowledge "comfort women" in World War 2.  It is why the Turkish government will not acknowledge the genocide of Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Empire.  American doesn't need to delude itself in order to be a great and moral nation.
If the report on torture is uncomfortable and risks American lives, all the more reason to examine, was that torture worth it?  Will we do it again?  It does NOT mean that Democrats want to punish America.  It  means many of us Democrats hold Ronald Reagan's "City on the Hill" to a higher standard, like he did.