Sunday, January 13, 2019

Yes, Collusion.

In case you missed it this week, there was proof of collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russian intelligence services.


Paul Manafort submitted a filing and his lawyers missed redacting part of it. Therefore it is available for people to read. In the unredacted filing, he acknowledges that - as Trumps Campaign Manager - he shared internal polling data with a Ukrainian who is tied to the Russian Intelligence. He admits to lying about it (or forgetting to mention it). The Russian intelligence used detailed polling data to identify targets on Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

President Trump's campaign conspired with a foreign power - and not just any foreign power, but Russia - to sway a United States election.

I would say, what if a Democrat did this, but you know what a Democrat, and person of honor would not do this. No other Republicans did.

Have the Republicans, who continue to stand behind this man, have no shame?