Friday, September 03, 2004

Brain Freeze

So I have climbed too high in the company. After a nice early night (we watched Bush speak, then the Daily Show just to regain sanity) - we went to bed fairly early.

At 1:24 AM I popped out of bed. I realized that I suddenly had the answer to a complexity question (and how our billing works). I could not get it out of my head.

Finally I got up, and wrote it down. I still couldn't sleep. I watched an hour of a Charlie Chan movie before I could not stop worrying about it and go back to sleep. I woke up a 6:24 this morning to come in (I am taking today off) and print out what I need.

So far I have gone through a ream of paper.

It was only made acceptable by the fact that when I got up (at 1:24), Ed had already been up and left himself a note about work. I saw it on the counter.