Thursday, September 02, 2004

Missing Zell...

Apparently Zell Miller gave a crazy speech last night at the Republican National Convention. Although it was red meat to the delegates, it was - demonstratively - a pack of lies, half truths and general southern craziness.

Then he went even crazier in the post-convention interviews. I missed it. [Update: The Washington Monthly has a good round up of reviews. My favorite: the speech read better int he original German.]

Why, you ask. Well, first even if I was home I would have to be drunk and Ed would have to be restrained to let me watch the convention (Ed doesn't like it when I scream at the TV).

Second, Eddie and I were at the Hollywood Bowl with my boss and his wife. We had a really good time. One mistake, the wife had told us to bring 2 bottles of wine, and she would bring 2. On our way out the door, Ed said, "Oh, grab 1 more". And we started drinking with them at our house.

So the food was great (she made homemade pizza on fila dough, chicken skewers and asparagus, Ed brought desert), the music was great (jazz without too much dobbie do WAHHH do DA) and then about the 5th bottle of wine, Ed and I had to leave. Mind you, we were having fun, but if we didn't get out we would pass out.

One more thing, I think there is weird Hollywood Bowl Chi flow. When the opening to the box was above us, the bad Chi flowed down. But last night, the box entrance was below us, and the bad chi flowed out. It was much better. (That or it was the extra leg room as Ed and I hung our legs out of the box).