Sunday, September 12, 2004

I think the font is too big on my site

I think the new site is nice, but the font is a little big. When I ramble (and when don't I) it tends to seem like a lot to read. Oh well, one must wade through it.

Point 1) Thailand is not what I expected. That happens more and more the farther I get from places where Americans go. Most of Europe is great, and quite close to what I expect. India, Hong Kong and Manilia were like I expected. Indonesia and Argentina were surprises. Thailand falls in the later catagory. So far I have only been around the hotel in Bangkok, but it is interesting. It is more modern than I expected, yet still has elephants around. Wierd.

This is the tallest building in Bangkok and it is huge. There is an OPEN AIR restuarant on the top (about 87 floors).

The whole city isn't what I expected.

And - fyi- this morning's buffet. Kick ass. I had scrambled eggs with ham and cheese. Then noddles with chicken and fish balls, and a bunch of spices I put in. Then a bunch of fruit i have never seen. I think there were slices ofa huge mango, and some red on the outside black and white on the inside fruit. yummy.

Last night Christina and I had dinner at a faux Thai temple on the river - with dancers. It was great.

I took some pics from my room, but I don't think it iwll come out.

2) I am using a keyboard I cannot even look at. There are 4 characters on every button and they are hard to track. So forgive me if yo can't read this.

3) Why is it everything you hated when you were little you love now? Yesterday, after the freak flights, I got to my room and laid down ot take a nab. The bed was crisp and white, and hard with big pillows. I had a little orgasm just laying down. Don't even talk about BMs. My are fine - but I know many people who could a good BM right up there with a 4 course dinner. And reading until you fall asleep. When I was little, if I went to all the trouble to read, I wanted to finish the book, not fall alseep.

I still love to play inthe pool and I still love Margaritas (I had an odd childhood). And I no longer dread coming home and finding yet another new mother - but a lof of that may be due to the fact my dad has passed on to that combo wedding/divorce chapel in the sky.

Okay - I am oddly out of time (not out of time to talk, but turely not in the right timezone / space /mindset) and so I think I shall sign off with these words of wisdom.

Don't piss off your boyfriend - they are the best things ever. Well, him and the pups.