Tuesday, April 18, 2006

It's in 3rd Person - Prepare to go off

One wonder's what the good of Human Resources is in the Modern world. So far, I believe that they accomplish the following goals:

1. Explain why this year's benefits are worse that last year's (and note that last year's complainers are no longer with said employer).

2. Create new buzzwords to cover laying people off ("right-sizing") and hiring cheaper labor ("on-shoring low skill)").

3. Pissing Ed off.

In category #3, HR has reached new heights. We have been trying to go forward on purchasing in the New York for a while. But you can't do anything until you have the offer letter and relocation. Doing something now will forfeit the benefits of the relo. But....

Eddie and I have found the house we want. But - as he has whine, winged, and screamed at HR, he can't put down the deposit until Relo is approved! So Ed has been pushing HR. That didn't work. Ed pushed his new boss, no good. Eddie spoke with 1 of the 7 CFO's of the world's 2nd largest company. Bupt-kiss. HR is, as we all know, the world's most immovable object.

Then today, Eddie was speaking with a colleague. In passing, Eddie mentioned his dilemma. (FYI- "in passing" in this particular case means he is bitching about this A LOT; he knows he is going to lose his new home). The colleague said, "Relo doesn't care about buying, just selling. The only thing about buying is that you won't get reimbursed until Relo is approved. As long as you have your agent approved by the company - go for it."


Yes, Eddie has been running into the same brick wall over and over. He has explained what is trying to do every day for weeks. HR has noted the process takes what it takes. Eddie ran this bit of news by them, and they answered, "Well of course that is how it works."

You can't spell "wHo caRes" without HR.