Monday, May 07, 2007

Yeah!! We are back and we had FUN!

Well back may throw you off, because I lot of people didn't know we were gone. We weren't sure it would all work out, but we were able to go to the Stagecoach festival in Palm Springs this week-end. It was a big-ass country music festival where my 2 favorites singers were.

First, on Saturday afternoon, was Miranda Lambert. She kicked ass! (Ya-hah!) Here are a couple of shots of her. I don't have the uber-zoom, so they aren't Ed quality, but we were really close.

She is in the middle of the stage. By the by, the weather was fabulous!! Here is a big-screen shot so you know who she is.

She was great!! (And got an amazing write up on the LA Times.)

And Sunday night.. well, Kenny Chesney. It was a GREAT show. And, there weren't a zillion people there because this was the first year. It was fun.

Ken--ney! (in front and on the screen)

Kenny on the screen.

And then, there was the basic, you know, eye candy. This is the money shot for Ron.

His girlfriend was getting beers.

These kids had been drinking for a while. Morale of the story, don't pass out in a group of practical jokers. By the by, his friend was calling people over to take pictures with this guy.

So, it was fun on a million levels.