Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dryers Go Clockwise

Ed doesn’t mind that I fold clothes (or do anything else) with the TV on. Because otherwise my mind wanders. For example, today…

I had to fold clothes downstairs (one of the washers didn’t spin well, so it was all staggered), and I was confused by the dryers. Why do they all spin clockwise?

You see - the line of dryers, that used to be straight, is now askew. Not at a 45 degree angle yet, but heading there. As the dryers “walk” they tend to turn. And I thought, if they spun sometimes clockwise and sometimes counter-clockwise that wouldn’t happen. AND if there is a outside manifestation, then the guts of the dryer are also subject to some weird dynamic because of the one way motion. SO.. if the dyers spun clockwise one cycle and counter-clockwise the other cycle, wouldn’t the dryer last longer? But it is probably a little cheaper to buy one-way motors.

PLUS the Dryer Overlords don’t want Dryers to last longer. Oh no, Maytag has no use for a long life’d Dryer. They would rather DESIGN in obsolesce so we have to buy new ones.

So now I am on a toot about the evil corporate capitalists that pull OUR STRINGS even when all we want to do is dry our clothes in peace.

And that is why Ed doesn’t mind that I do things with the TV on.