Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I Like Sarah Palin as a person, but...

I like Sarah Palin as a person. She seems a bit mean spirited towards everyone that isn't her, but that seems kind of the norm nowadays... But she isn't ready to be commander in chief. You know, Katie Couric questioned her about what happens when democracy doesn't yield results the U.S. likes, as in the case of Hamas in Gaza. Here's what she said:
"Yeah, well especially in that region, though, we have to protect those who do seek democracy and support those who seek protections for the people who live there. What we're seeing in the last couple of days here in New York is a president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, who would come on our soil and express such disdain for one of our closest allies and friends, Israel ... and we're hearing the evil that he speaks and if hearing him doesn't allow Americans to commit more solidly to protecting the friends and allies that we need, especially there in the Mideast, then nothing will."
For her information those who DO seek democracy in the region include Hamas. They were a democratically elected terrorist group. Is she suggesting that we protect them?
Well, actually that is a rhetorical question and possibly above her head, so let me rephrase for the short bus. Not all democratically elected governments are our friends and should be protected. Hamas is one example. Just a little FYI, Ms. Palin, Mr. Ahmadinejad was also democratically elected. And I assume you do not mean we should protect him.
One 72 year old lying bastard away from being our President. Hooray!