Tuesday, September 30, 2008

You Big Fat Liar

You Big Fat -explative deleted - Liar!
See, this is what I am saying about John "Mitch" McCain. He just lies and lies and lies and I can't stand it.
Obama did not infuse "unnecessary partisanship" into any debate. In fact, every comment had been that he and Mitch McCain agreed and that Congress needed to act.
AFTER Mitch McCain's comment, he pretty partisanly blamed McCain and the Republicans - by the by, 64% of the Republicans voted AGAINST McCain and the Republican President. Helluva Job there McCainy.
And didn't the Big Fat Liar say he was going to suspend his campaign until there was a resolution to this.
Oh yeah, that was just a bullshit line he had trying to play games with the economy, the debate and the election.
No one really expects him to be honest in anything he says anymore.
And there is no equivalence here. John Mitch McCain is a serial liar. He releases a commercial that says Obama is a suck up by agreeing with him a lot. And at the same time releases a statement that Obama doesn't care for the country because he is partisan in opposing McCain.
Pick a lie and stick with one. Oh wait, he doesn't have to because no one calls McCain on this Junior High School, playground insult bullshit. This isn't a man who we have to count on as Americans.