Thursday, December 18, 2008

Short Political Rant Re Obama / Warren

Feel free to skip.
Really... I am blowing off steam. Feel free to skip
So here is my take on this whole Pastor Rick Warren's invitation to give the invocation at Obama's inauguration.
Pastor Rick Warren has done a lot of good in the world.
If Pastor Rick Warren had compared Obama's family to pedophiles or of committing incest, he wouldn't be invited.
It's Obama's Inauguration and he can invite he wants. He can invite anyone he wants and ignore what that means to us. Hell, I sponsor a child through very anti-gay World Vision. I think that the good done for a child in Mozambique is worth swallowing the whole anti-gay thing for.
It is a simple statement that I don't matter in the eyes of our President. One again. Somehowy 14 year committed monogamous relationship is the equivalent of having and adult hacing sex with a child.
He won. It's his inauguration and he can invite whoever wants. That's the greatness of America.
And I can say, honestly and totally...Screw you.