Monday, March 23, 2009

My last (I promise) post about turning 50

So this is my last post about the soon to be ugly date.  There are 2 reasons 50 freaks me out.
The first of course is "50!".  There is no way to pretend your young anymore.  But I can deal with that.  Not well, but I can deal.
See though here is the other thing.  No male on my father's side made it past their 50's.  My father died in like 1996 at 58.  My grandfather in 1971 at 57.  My uncles at 56 and 52.  My great grandfather in his 40's I believe.  My cousin (Little Johnnie) at 59.
Now I take better care of myself than they did, but all my blood work shows me fighting an uphill battle here.  The keep doubling my cholesterol medicine every year for the past 4 years (10 mg, then 20 mg, then 40 mg, now 80 mg.) and my cholesterol has stayed above 280.  I am on my 5th blood pressure medicine (which finally appears to be working), but without I spiked to 170 over 100.
I actually FEEL pretty damn good.  So my constant complaining is a little way of me reminding myself to not get complacent.  I am going to be the first male Mitchell to 60 years old damn it.
So anyway, that's it.  I won't say anything else.
There are kids starving in Ethiopia, eat your vegetables.