Thursday, October 08, 2009

It is a rare thing when...

It is a rare thing when you can pinpoint the moment when a play goes south. That critical misstep when the female writer / actress steps to far over the line - and then continues into the abyss.
And tonight, I saw one such moment.
This lovely lady, Antoinette Lavecchia, proud authoress and star of a one woman show, "How to Be a Good Italian Daughter" took that step off the edge.
Don't look away... I shall share it with you.
Was it as she played her mother AND herself as she was being born (in the birth canal)? No.
Was it the constant guilt trip about being a bad daughter because she was divorced? No.
Was it when she used her hands to portray her VaJayJay singing a little song? No, but we are getting warmer.
Was it when she used her hands to portray her VaJayJay AND upon see a handsome fellow say, (and I must quote here) - "He is like a tall drink of water.. is it possible to be thirsty AND wet at the same time?" Yes. That was the end of it.
I have to write a review of this - and I don't think I can actually say that in the review.