Monday, April 12, 2010

No Laws Broken?

Not to put too fine a point on a painful and difficult decisions, but ..
Isn't Child Abandonment breaking the law? (The answer is yes everywhere but Nebraska or Iowa or somewhere that they are fixing the law).
Putting an unescorted minor on an international flight, with orders to take him to the Foreign Ministry, isn't that Child Endangerment, isn't that against the law in Tennessee. (The answer is yes, as anyone who would put an American child on a flight with the same situation would find out).
And isn't failure to attend school against the law in Tennessee?
Look, I know adoption is hard. But this family should have known it too. Adopted kids in run down orphanages are going to have problems. Medical and Psychological problems. That is why it is tough to adopt and raise these children. But to quote Mike Huckabee, these aren't puppies (oh wait, he said that about fags having kids...).
Seriously. This is a sad situation, and getting mad at this poor lady doesn't make it any better. But ignoring her actions doesn't help either. Either other adoptive parents or any adoptive kids. How would you like to explain to a fragile adopted child that "changing mom's mind and she doesn't want to have you anymore - well that's fine." How much does doing nothing to this woman fuck up other kid's psyches?
Even if she has done nothing illegal, lock her ass up overnight while you "check into it". You do that with liberal protesters, abortion protesters, random black men, and fags all the time. It is the least you can do for all the poor adopted kids to make this woman pay some teeny tiny price.