I know, I know, he didn't normally like PTown, but we figured out the problem.
Coming from LA - PTown is hot and humid - coming from New York - not so much.
Coming from LA you fly across the country to spend a week with friends you can see in 10 minutes via car. If you live in New York - you hardly ever see them and it is a lot of fun.
Coming from LA there seem to be horrible biting animals.. coming from New York.... Well that is the same. There are all kinds of evil little things that bite you - NoSeeUms (??!!), "Biting" Black Flys (which should be called "Evil Blood Sucking Vampire Flys!") and mosquito's - which seem almost quaint in comparison. But I digress.
I wish I could have stayed longed and Eddie had a great time - as you can see from his smiling face.
But I can't wait to get him home.

PS, this is Eddie, Gavin and Lynette playing a game of "who can stand on 1 leg - while the boat is moving - the longest". It needs a better name and more Cape Cods to fully enjoy.