No. What offends me is the condescending tone when "explaining" to us "liberals" why certain things (closing Gitmo, Public Option, etc) can't get done. Most of the country isn't liberal is his answer. He does this in the same way as I would explain to the dog why he can't open the door - annoyed and not expecting Trevor to understand the nuance.
Let me offer a small reply to Mr. Murphy, "Consider this, we voted for the man that promised to close Gitmo, include the Public Option and lead financial reform. He won the election, we expected him to try to do this."
I know, I know, outside Washington adhering to your promises is considered passe. In fact even pretending to adhere to your promises is naive.
Liberal or not, I EXPECT to have the people I elect TRY to keep their promises. If not, at least to appear mildly embarrassed or apologetic. Particularly if I give them money or work for them.
It has nothing to do with Liberal or Conservative. You hold us to the laws you make, I want to hold you to the promises you make with regards to that law. That isn't "liberal" it is honest.
As an analogous arguement, the country was not behind continuing the war in Iraq - but G W Bush promised he was going to do it. And he followed through on his promise - despite the country being against it. I expected Obama to follow through on his promises - that's why I voted for him once and donated money back in the old days.