.. what to do?
What to do with life? Does one just bury one’s head in the sand and let the pushy asses win?
Does one push back against the anti-Mosque people and ask them How far away is acceptable for a Mosque (there is already a mosque 4 blocks away)?
How is it a titty-bar, strip club that is closer does NOT desecrate “hallowed ground”?
How do you tell Muslims they are the only religion that cannot pray for peace and understanding at the new World Trade Center complex (of which the memorial is a small part)?
Do you tell them we only hate Muslims or that it is only Muslims that we don’t accept their religion?
Sciencetologists are on the “Hallowed Ground” all the time, are we more accepting of a religion of extraterrestrial soul suckers than a Religion with 1.3 billion adherents of which 21 people attacked us?
Finally, for me, what other mob rule restrictions on Religion are Americans willing to tolerate and encourage? If we willingly throw out constitutional guarantees of the Bill of Rights on this, can we do it on where any church is? How about the people that don’t want Mosques in California or Texas – is that Hallowed Ground?
Or do I ignore this sham issue. Do I ignore the people of the country happily trampling on the rule of law because of hate? They have already voted to take away my right to marriage – why should I care about a religion that totally hates fags?
Back to the Bigger Question.
Should I just move on and let the mob win?
Okay then, should I also ignore the plight of millions of Pakistanis drowning. By the way, as the world ignores this country we should remember it has hundreds of millions of people AND already has nuclear weapons.
Question: So why the hell do we care that Iran might be making a weapon when we don’t give a shit about Pakistan that already has nuclear weapons and areprotecting the Taliban?
Okay, let’s ignore that.
Should I ignore the Republicans (and conservative Democrats) asinine attempts to both make the federal deficit an issue in the elections (a deficit the last Republican Administration created – duh!!!! Clinton left a surplus) while at the same time they insist on extending huge tax cuts for people making more than $1,000,000 a year? Tax cuts that weren’t made permanent when they were in charge because it made the deficit look too big then!
Okay, let’s ignore that.
Should I also ignore the Generals that insist that we stay in Afghanistan past 2011, even though they all agreed to that before the policy was put in place? Do I ignore that these tin-pot old boy’s network is expressly ignoring the Constitutional imperative of Civilian rule of the military?
Okay – let’s ignore that.
Wow, it’s raining a lot in New York today.