Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Attacks in Yeman, Somalia, Etheopia, Djouboti, Kenya - But Hey Why Authorize It?

There are questionable Constitutional issues, and non-Questionable. One of the non-Questionable is the wording in order to declare war. For the United States, Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution says "Congress shall have power to ... declare War".
This was further defined after Nixon prosecuted the Vietnam War, even after Congress unauthorized it. Now Congress must authorize the use of force in a foreign region whether or not the President considers it "War".
Congress has authorized military actions in Afghanistan and later in Iraq. This new step up in five new countries should be authorized. Maybe they are needed, maybe not but this shouldn't happen unilaterally. Whether under Bush or Obama, this should happen in public.
God grief, what illegal war-mongers we have become.