This is a picture of Chris Armstrong. elected Michigan's Student Council President. This picture has been updated by the Michigan Assistant Attorney General Andrew Shirvell - in his off duty hours. The Assistant At tourney General of Michigan keeps a blog posting of the comings and goings of this young man - where his family and friends live - and has protested outside his house.
Mr. Shirvell's blog refers to Chris Armstrong as a disciple of Satan. And the Assistant Attorney General of Michigan thinks it is fine because it is on his own time. I am sure if a family went to him about their child being taunted for being gay - he would be very helpful (sarcastic quotes assumed to not be necessary).

Mich. Asst. Attorney General Andrew Shirvell Targets Gay Student Body President Chris Armstrong. One other thing - the "Radical Issue" that Chris Armstrong is pushing is gender neutral housing. which UCLA and Wisconsin have had for over 20 years.
Anderson Cooper has an amazing interview with this self-proclaimed religious Christian- "who has no hate in his heart" and believes Chris Armstrong is a "Child of God". Makes you wonder what he does to people he doesn't like!