Granted the sex acts on a horse pictures I have never forwarded, but whatever - it is what it is.
He is causing the New York media fits - which I find kind of funny.
FYI - If I didn't believe that New York City voting was completely rigged (please we use 1930's voting machines that "usually" produce a bunch ballot! and have a "straight ticket" mode). I would probably vote for him.
Why! Why would I vote for him?
Because Andrew Cuomo is the son of a former NY governor, the former son-in-law of Robert Kennedy and a (less than distinguished) member of the Clinton Cabinet. It is worse than nepotism - it is the coronation of a ruling family. Screw him. Although I know we live in a privileged country where the rulings classes lord it over the rest of us - I don't want it thrown in my face.
Go Carl!