The Daily Beast, an interview with the General Shelton - who was head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Clinton and Bush. He is well spoken and smart (even I disagree with him on Don't Ask). I can admire his service, honest and opinion.
Hugh Shelton was impeccably apolitical while serving as the nation’s top military man under Presidents Clinton and Bush. Now, not so much. He talks to Lloyd Grove about Bill Clinton (good), Donald Rumsfeld (bad), and John McCain (crazy), among others. Among the highlights:
• Rumsfeld, according to Shelton, is a power-mad know-it-all who won’t listen to military advice.
• McCain is a ranting bully with “a screw loose.”
• Gore is a supercilious grandstander who once interrupted an Oval Office meeting to berate Shelton for a military mishap, only to be swatted away by Clinton.
• Clinton is “a man of great character,” Shelton tells The Daily Beast about Clinton, who tearfully apologized to him for the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
• Shelton also insists that the Pentagon’s don’t ask, don’t tell policy, recently ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge, should remain in place.