Thursday, October 14, 2010

Unclear on the concept of the Military in our Republic

Regardless of how you feel about Don't Ask Don't Tell, this comment from Christine O'Donnell should bug you.
"A federal judge recently ruled that we have to overturn Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.
There are a couple of things we need to say about that. First of all, judges
should not be legislating from the bench. Second of all, it’s up to the military
to set the policy that the military believes is in the best interest of unit
cohesiveness and military readiness. The military already regulates personal
behavior in that it doesn’t allow affairs to go on within your chain of command.
It does not allow it you are married to have an adulterous affair within the
military. So the military already regulates personal behavior because it feels
that it is in the best interest of our military readiness. I don’t think that
Congress should be forcing a social agenda on to our military. I think we should
leave that to the military."

We have civilian leadership of the military precisely because our forefathers did not want a military responsible only to themselves.
As for Don't Ask Don't Tell, it is a stupid law - but whatever. Our military already fights with our allies the British, Dutch and Israelis who letting giant flaming queers into the war. In fact Israel demands they serve (just like they were real people - go figure).