Droopy Daug has decided that being a Senator is too damn hard! So he is working to fix the deficit this way. They are going to vote to let Obama do it, BUT then every time he does, Congress has to approve it. But Obama can veto that.
And it can only do it a little at a time - so there must be 3 times when he raises the deficit and Republicans get to vote against it in a meaningless pageant of idiocy.
So, Obama is the big bad guy that raises the deficit. And Republicans get to vote against it each time, but it is Obama's fault. See. SEE. HE is a bad guy. We tried to stop him... whaaa
This allows the adults to act like adults, while the Republicans get to act like spoiled brats and yell names from across the room. And run for election as the party of sanity. REALLY!!!!
I am sure that is how FOX will play it. But then again FOX's parent corporation hacks into cell phones of murdered children, deletes messages so that they can get more stories. It kind of all makes sense. FOX will see each debt ceiling raise as an attack of OBAMA THE EVIL.
This whole screw with our credit now is fun for the dopes....
Even though we raised the stupid debt ceiling 10 times under George Bush without the Republican histrionics. Wail.. Nash.. Unfunded.. Socialist... Kenya.... Muslim Name.... On my Aunt Nancy...