Thursday, January 05, 2012

Memo to Nincompoop

To Herman Cain:
From: Team Party America
Re: Misunderstanding
Dear Mr. Cain,
I regret to inform you that your misconstrued our fleeting interest in you this last November.  We were then (and continue now) to be driven by a blinding hatred of the sitting Kenyan Occupying the White House.  Our enthusiastic embrace of you was directly related to this and was, in no one, attributable to your crack-pot theories.
The best relationships are rosy in retrospect because they dissolve into the misty haze of memory.  Touring the country to flog the 9-9-9 plan is like putting lightening in a bottle (or used toothpaste back in the tube), embarrassing for both of us.
Best Wishes and can't wait for your radio show to start back up.
The Public
PS - Unless you are just trying to bag some skirts - you dawg!